I wasn't noticing any bad effects with the non-smoking and certainly have had better sleep pattens, but this morning I forgot to take the tablet.
I know that what's going on today is from my brain, but I don't know if it's brain chemistry or entirely psychological because I know I don't have my magic shield blocking receptors or if it's partially the chemical addiction, but I've noticed three things today
- There's a funny bubbly feeling in my lungs, a feeling I know from when I've attempted to give up in the past cold turkey or with patches. Coming on today I think this has to be psychological.
- I've been coughing up a little phlegm, like a weaker version of a smokers' cough. I haven't had that for several weeks.
- I really really really wanted a cigarette at lunch time. If one had found its way into my hands I would have lit up.
For the moment, my plan is to sleep on it.